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Wednesday 4 February 2015

makeup - Revolution

Good afternoon readers, So from now I guess you have realised I like to talk about things that our close to my heart, and something that plays a massive part in my life is Make up. Yes a few of you must be like why is makeup a big deal? And jesus that girl must be ugly because she always has to wear make up but for you people who think that I just want to make it clear that "make up does not define you, and I never think that you should have to hide behind it. " however I do like the fact that I can wake up and leave the house a totally diferent person from the girl with bed head and blemishes.

So yes I use a lot of makeup, but my favourite hight street brand that I have been in love with for just over 5 months is the brand :"makeuprevolution". Now I haven't been asked to write about them from the company, although that would be a dream come true but I just personally wanted to tell you that for the price and the value of all the products they do it's totally worth it especially if you are like me and are 1) a make up junkie 2) someone who has to wear make up on a daily base and 3) On a budget this brand is just bliss.

This is why I have now took the time just to show you and write about a few of my favourties. So lets begin lovely.

Now I do not know personally if this last up to 16 hours in fact I dont think I've worn makeup for more then that time before, Although I can tell you that this product does give you a lovely matte effect, it comes in a range of shades but this was on of my first products I brought from them after I had come back from a Hot Holiday away, The shade I got was called golden and Yes it did make me think " wow look at me I'm golden clearly sunbathing worked its magic" but secondly this made me see the difference in my skin it made me glow and made me just look a bit more sutle and just gave of that fresh look. Now I know golden won't be everyones shade that is why I have enclosed a link to there online shop which will lead to the different foundation that they have but in all honesty you should have a look especially for the price I paid I nearlly had a heart attack £2.00

2) The next product I have been loving by them then is the  FOUCUS AND FIX EYEBROW AND SHAPING KIT.  Now if you have been up to the lastest "girl code" You would know eyebrows have to be on point. Silly I know but hey ho thats our girl logic. In fact when I got my eyebrows threading last week I got told eyebrows defy you I never really cared about my eyebrows but then I got thinking maybe she is right I mean imagine if no one had eyebrows, How bad would we all look this is why I have been paying my eyebrows more attention especially after someone made the comment that my boyfriends eyebrows where better then mine! I mean how bitchy can some ladies get. However enough about the history of eyebrows I brough this product because I just wanted to try it out and honestly it is now constantly in my make up bag love love love. ""
So that is the link and it comes in meduim or dark, and its only £2.50 it also comes with 3 different shades and a wax for shapping along with brushes and tweezers. Literally is the cutest product ever and for £2.50. Can you get any more of a on th budget prodcut.

Firstly I have to say I love the names of their eyeshadows they honestly never fail to make me smile, The eyeshadow I treated myself to in the christmas period is the "girls on film" I loved the fact that for £6.00 I could get 12 shimmer eyeshadows and 6 matte eyeshadows all on one palette 18 shadows then basically all high impact for such a ridiculous price, another must that you cant go wrong with it even comes with a mirror so its another reason to have it in your make up bag Also the names of the different eyeshadows are done with such love and care, Honestly I am a massive sucker for cute name lipsticks,eyeshadows and blushers and this just captured me straight away. Like it said girl on film. And its true it gives you that proper Hollywood glam.

Now I do have other products but these are the 3 things that I love right now so I am just talking about them. If you guys have any of their make up though I would love to know what you have and whats good or not, so leave a comment or just email me in on


Tuesday 3 February 2015


I am one of these girls who always think every one should be happy and on a high.  Well most the time sometimes  I am like eugh i am a worthless piece of shit who shouldnt be happy but really I should be happy and be like "bow down before me bithes I am your Queen"  Which involves being happy: emotionally, physically and mentally. Also Being confident makes more roads open up to you rather then being shy with no where to go. However I can tell you from my own experience that this isn't always easy I mean last year was the thoughest year of my life by far and my aniexty came back quicker then an ex who knows he just left a fine piece of ass.

which bring me onto the next paragraph of being confident and its about feeling good body wise.Your body is a temple and you need to remember that no one elses but yours and how you treat it depends on how you want to be treated. By this I don't mean if you buy a big mac every day your as quick and easy as your fast food thats being served to you, but what I mean is the equal balance. By all means I love a bit of fast food or a nandos every know and again but at the same time I know I am not doing anything good for my body, which then puts me on a down making my body and emotions feel sad which normally relates to me hating everyone on this planet. But I need to stop that because it's no one elses fault but mine no one in my local kebab ( yes you know its bad when its a local kebab) is going to go oi love looking a bit fat want to lay of the cheesey chips.

This is why I have decided I should do a random post on happiness and confidence and being a queen quite simply. firstly then you need to learn how to strut your stuff by this I mean your confidence walk to "bow down bitches".  Honestly try it next time you walk. walk with confidence by standing tall and carrying your pretty head high.

the next one is to take that compliment, Do not brush them of but learn to appriciate them honestly so many people would rate you more even guys because no man likes repeating themself. Also by doing this you will be balancing the negative thoughts that you think off yourself and the posistive ones others give you making you feel more happy and confident.

Thirdly then dont always seek approval, Not everyone is going to think your amazing and if you got a good job no one will ever give you credit for how hard you work for it infact some may envy you that is what I've come across recently however who needs that why should you always be trying to please everyone else if you got a good grade at school or if you got a new good job dont be down about it just think to yourself how  hard you work for it and how much you deserve it approval starts from within you.

Lastly, Never compare yourself to others this is a huge mistake which will lead to a tub of ben and jerry ice cream bridget jones and greecey hair, In fact inbrace the fact you are different.  It may seem like someone may be better then you and has a better life then you but we really need to rememeber what was their journey to get them there in the first place. Always remember your a queen and that no one can take your crown off you. Your beautiful smart and clever and there is no one who can replace you so just be you

Life- Friendships

Growing up I would see my friends every day up to college. Us girls couldn't be seperated even the boys. in the week days we would always be at school and I was lucky that my friendship group was so big that I always had at least one friend in my lesson if not all of them. If your at school and you have come across my page and your reading this I want to say make the most of that time. I know all the older generation say it like your mum or dad or even nan, but trust me when Me at 18 is telling you school years are the best years of your life.

Now since college  my friendship group grew smaller and the friends I would spend weekends camping with or going to the park and having a bbq ended up being the friends who I know now as a name on instagram and twitter. My college friends however I make the effort to speak too although I have grown apart from the majority off them there is two girl friends who I know will be my friends forever we have formed such great friendship, infact i look upon them now as my sister and know that we will be life long friends.  So what is this blog about well coming across friendships groups and being in and out of them I have learnt alot as well as grown up alot.

One of my rules about friendship is never to natter about one another, I used to be in a friendship group that once someone back was turned it would turn into the ultimate bitch feast in all honesty I use to think I was in a scene from mean girls.
And thats when I got thinking if they could bitch about them so easily then they could bitch about me too. and thats when I decide in fact I don't want to be around people who only get a kick from putting others down I never was that  type of girl and never want to be that type of girl again.
 In fact I really cheerish all of my friendships even if they are just acquaintances with my best friend I try to see them as often as I can but what with work always getting in our way and the distance it is quite hard however we always make the effort to text at least once a day or have a 5 hour phone call once a day.
I try not to take any one for granted as well I will always constantly remind them that I do notice how much they do for me and how much I love them, In fact i came across a saying in a book that "friendships  are important and the reason being is because  it contributes to our physical emotional and mental wellbeing " They even make us live longer so if that isn't a good deal what is.

So now I've come to a closure of my short blog. Sorry it is awfullt short I just wanted to write about what was on my mind so here it is.
Maybe it could be a great time now for you to text your bestfriends and maybe tell them how much they mean to you.

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Saturday 31 January 2015

Baby loss

"The day we met, Frozen on the screen I held my breathe something so small, Right from that start we knew we had found our perfect part. walking out the door my heart was beating fast the thoughts inside my head how can I love something so pure. "

This is a deep post and probably not for the faint hearted. I don't want to give my identy away in fact this is the only way I can express how I feel without anyone knowing by that I mean personal people who know and would judge me also what I am about to say will probaby destroy most people but here it goes.

I'm 18 it was on November the 5th when it happened when the boots test turned from a negative to a posistive. I froze I cant recall what was happening beside the fact I was meant to be meeting my bestfriend,boyfriend and boyfriend brother for dinner and cinima. Every thing went blank everything wasn't right. The world didn't seem to be turning and if you've had that feeling you know what I mean by I was generally stuck in time. I remember calling my boyfriend first as the tears fell from my eyes I remembered the arguement in which we had in the morning "I'm I'm" He caught on, in all honesty I don't know what he said next I just remember that I had five minutes in which to meet my bestfriend and half hour to get to dinner.
As she walked towards me she knew something wasn't right this is the girl who I cried on over silly boys who I laughed with till my ribs hurt who I sang with at the top of my lungs in the car with and heres the girl who cried with me once I told her.

As we sat through dinner that night I remeber my boyfriend saying "what you having babe" I thought how ironic and laughed I then noticed. Every pram. Every baby. Every cry. Every mum. In fact as I go on you will realise it doesn't get better. That evening i cried throughout the whole film my excuse is I'm soppy and don't like death and that couldn't be more true. The one thing I will say though is how my  boyfriend held me how he wrapped his hand round my stomache how he held his unborn baby.

I want to say this has a happy ending I want to say I am now 5 MONTHS gone and picking prams and names and arguing if it first words will be mummy or daddy. But sorry sometimes life isn't fair and in my case that is the truth. When I went for my first scan the baby was so small like a poppy seed in amongst a field of flowers. The quote at the top describes how I felt, How I still feel how I always will feel. I've read so many people comments on google about how to cope afterwards but you can't and I will be brutley honest with you. It never goes away its something that stays with you haunts you for the rest of your life. You cant just forget it. I keep "poppy seed" that what we shall name the baby. Very close to me it's in my locket which my boyfriend gave me when I was 16. It's so that I'm never alone and I'm writting this so young people who have to go through what I did or anything simular will know they're not alone as well.

I didn't tell you what happened to poppy seed. I don't think I could ever write down what happened. Not just yet maybe one day but not today. All I can say is not a day goes by where I don't blame myself. I see mums and babies all the time and still feel like "wheres mine". I know I shouldn't but I do. I also know that I'm young and that I hope to have another chance like this  but this time it will be for keeps. Even if it does mean I'm  throwing up in my work toilets or eating mash and scramble egg two things I hate more then anything.
I'd give it all back  to hear a beating heart again or to see how poppy seed would develop to a screaming baby or how they would wrap there fingers round mine.

Sorry this is deep I promise I shall write something light hearted all my love for now .