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Tuesday 3 February 2015

Life- Friendships

Growing up I would see my friends every day up to college. Us girls couldn't be seperated even the boys. in the week days we would always be at school and I was lucky that my friendship group was so big that I always had at least one friend in my lesson if not all of them. If your at school and you have come across my page and your reading this I want to say make the most of that time. I know all the older generation say it like your mum or dad or even nan, but trust me when Me at 18 is telling you school years are the best years of your life.

Now since college  my friendship group grew smaller and the friends I would spend weekends camping with or going to the park and having a bbq ended up being the friends who I know now as a name on instagram and twitter. My college friends however I make the effort to speak too although I have grown apart from the majority off them there is two girl friends who I know will be my friends forever we have formed such great friendship, infact i look upon them now as my sister and know that we will be life long friends.  So what is this blog about well coming across friendships groups and being in and out of them I have learnt alot as well as grown up alot.

One of my rules about friendship is never to natter about one another, I used to be in a friendship group that once someone back was turned it would turn into the ultimate bitch feast in all honesty I use to think I was in a scene from mean girls.
And thats when I got thinking if they could bitch about them so easily then they could bitch about me too. and thats when I decide in fact I don't want to be around people who only get a kick from putting others down I never was that  type of girl and never want to be that type of girl again.
 In fact I really cheerish all of my friendships even if they are just acquaintances with my best friend I try to see them as often as I can but what with work always getting in our way and the distance it is quite hard however we always make the effort to text at least once a day or have a 5 hour phone call once a day.
I try not to take any one for granted as well I will always constantly remind them that I do notice how much they do for me and how much I love them, In fact i came across a saying in a book that "friendships  are important and the reason being is because  it contributes to our physical emotional and mental wellbeing " They even make us live longer so if that isn't a good deal what is.

So now I've come to a closure of my short blog. Sorry it is awfullt short I just wanted to write about what was on my mind so here it is.
Maybe it could be a great time now for you to text your bestfriends and maybe tell them how much they mean to you.

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